Important Announcement

Dec 5, 2009

in an attempt to move to the city and be more civilized, we made the irresponsibility of ordering the transportation of all our hardware (2 pc, 1 laptop and 1 USB 2 GB), to Jorge!, who is now know it as the tenth class of the animal pack (the donkey).

we are now in our new cave, but Jeorge was not to come for 3 days, we hope and believe he is lost because he never comes to the city, moreover, that the only way of transportion that he known is of their ancestors chaski

and for that reason we can not continue with the project, I hope you all understand our situation, I am saddened for the project cep, but happy to see the city :)

ps / / Jorge if you're reading this! call me to my iphone at +511998256247 or twitt me wherever you are!

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